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FireFox Profile Manager for A Super Fast FireFox Option [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
17 years ago3,949 views


for those who want TWO versions of FireFox on the same computer – take advantage of the FireFox profile manager. It is like having your cake and eating it to.

You can keep one embellished version of Firefox with all the Add-ons and bells and whistles for certain types of browsing

But keep a BARE BONES version of FireFox just for those super fast paced browsing needs

It only takes one minute to create a separate bare bones profile....

This will allow you to have the original quick loading – no add ons version to use as an option to the heavily bookmarklet version

You can also run both versions at the same time. This will allow you to use on session with all the addons – and use another for superfast browsing and opening windows


Open the start menu and select RUN then type

firefox.exe -ProfileManager

Then add on tweak to your heart's content

on some versions of VISTA run is hidden by default

You can even add a NEW shortcut on the desktop for this new profile

just add -p (+ new profile name) after the path to the Firefox Executable
(you can find this by going to the current firefox shortcut and clicking Properties – Now make ANOTHER shortcut for the new profile [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Here are some really valuable Speed and Interface hacks geared towards Advanced users and high powered surfers [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Of course indirectly, ADVERTISERS pay for valuable free content that we take for granted and are helped by

But just for that one fast and furious 2nd profile option- this FireFox ad blocker add on will automatically eliminate pesky ads.

Again, this should be used with discretion on one profile because advertisers are very essential to a site. But sometime those multimedia ads will prevent the pages from loading. It does not eliminate ALL ads, just ram consuming ones.

Want to see a great before and after contrast once you install this – VISIT ABOUT.COM – hard to remember when this site so easy to navigate LOL [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Interesting list of the 13 Addons that potentially cause the most crashes and memory leaks in Firefox.
Are there others not on this list that many people have had problems with?

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