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I need HELP from Google personnel: How to remove a deleted webpage/cache contents from the search results

blue_megalomaniac [PersonRank 0]

Monday, August 13, 2007
17 years ago2,648 views

Good day Sir/Madam! I need your immediate help. I posted a thread in (Philippines) about almost getting scammed. The seller and I have talked and settled our differences so he promised to deliver my item today or tomorrow, while I have the thread removed from

Anyway, the thread was removed by Ebay's customer service, but when searched in Google, the thread still comes out in the results and when the Cache link is pressed, the entire contents of the thread still come out.

I URGENTLY NEED TO HAVE IT REMOVED, as I had promised the seller that I would do my part in clearing all this and it includes removing all traces of the misunderstanding. I have tried using the Webmaster Tools, but I admit I am not an expert in internet-speak/know-how and was not successful in deleting the page from the search results.

PLEASE HELP ME. I do not know who else to turn to. Thank you!

This is the resulting Google page of the search for [personal details removed from comment upon request. -Philipp]

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Annaise Galza [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

OMG! I know [personal info removed]. That's terrible!!!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Another case of "how do I remove something from the Google cache" ;)

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