<<BANGKOK – News reports in Thailand and the international press are saying that Google-owned YouTube has agreed to cooperate with Thai authorities in filtering sensitive content on its website, paving the way for the lifting of a Thai ban on the popular video-sharing website.
Bangkok's English-language daily, The Nation, and international media such as the Sydney Morning Herald and the Financial Times of London say Thai information officials had been assured by Google that filtering programs had been put in place to selectively keep content deemed insulting to the Thai monarchy from being accessed inside the country.>>
http://www.seapabkk.org/newdesign/newsdetail.php?No=746 |
Anything for money.
YouTube Banned=$0 Youtube Filtered =$$$ Youtube=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€€€€€€€€$$$$$
Outcome= YTB<YTF and Y is out of the question |
Another news coverage located here: "Ban on YouTube lifted after deal" http://nationmultimedia.com/2007/08/31/headlines/headlines_30047192.php