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Sometimes you gotta Kiss a little Butt in Life [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
16 years ago3,138 views

You know you are powerful when THIS happens to you. Have link directory owners and bloggers gotten to THIS .........

from THIS.......

But then again, there is a price to pay for being a fearless fighter for SERPs justice....
(SEW stands for SearchEnginesWeb – not the other SEW)

Claire Thompson [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

Love that blog at Linksmanager thank you for pointing us there. I dont use Linksmanager, I manage my linking myself. But I have always been impressed with how they continue to maintain a white hat reputation for being one of the few decent link builder software services among so many black hat junk software and services for building links. If I were their writer, I would have also shown Matt some love on the topic. Matt has been remarkably silent on the topic of link exchange for so long it makes one wonder if hes been silent because he didnt want to state what we have all known for so long: that link exchange (when done with relevant sites in slow /natural growth) is not only accepted but encouraged. Google obviously would rather us link exchange than buy links from high PR sites. Can you imagine the mess they are dealing with right now with all of this paid link games running amock on the web? [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

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