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Yahoo PICKS - Gone after 12 years [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, January 3, 2008
16 years ago2,553 views

Dear readers of Yahoo! Picks,

We're sorry to say that Picks has stopped updating. After 12 years, we're moving on to new projects and fresh ways of highlighting cool sites across the Web. We'll still be here in different guises, like on Yahoo! Green writing about eco-friendly sites, or Yahoo! Answers calling out cool questions, or on the Yahoo! Buzz Log, sifting through what people are searching for online. And the Yahoo! Picks archive will remain available to anyone who wants to wander in. Thanks for your support and attention all these years.

We leave you with Airborne Cats, one of our favorite Flickr photo collections—and a past Pick.

All best,
Yahoo! Picks

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Yahoo! seems to be closing quite a few of their content creation sites (such as Ask Yahoo! last year). Sadly these sites were the only reason for me to ever visit a Yahoo! property.

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