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Why Digg Homepages are Biased Towards Top Members [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, January 3, 2008
16 years ago2,886 views

Robert Scoble gets kicked off Facebook . This blog post was introduced 6 hours ago. Several top blogs jumped on it shortly afterwards.

All have basically the same titles and synopsis of the blog post.

Who will make the Digg homepage or come close?

This Scoble Story can be used as a classic example of how getting a Digg homepage is biased – and easily geared towards Top Users.....

The same stories are submitted the same time by different members – all with the same info and the same basic titles in the past few hours.....

Look at the uneven distribution of Diggs

Even the original story from Scoble's blog and the Techcrunch version is well behind Mashable.

We are talking about the SAME BASIC STORY submitted around the same time with the same info.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

I'm just speculating, but... the Mashable article was Dugg after the one – about 10 minutes later I think. In some of the Digg screens aren't newer articles listed at the top – e.g. the "Upcoming" page? Therefore, could the newer article have been Dugg more by users who just didn't read down any further?

Anyway, I think the bigger question here is why so many so-called "Top Users" on Digg are posting dupes! I know some Digg users are complete numskulls, but if a quick search for [Scoble Facebook] returns results, why bother posting what is essentially the same thing again and again? [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Digg FINALLY undergoes major Algo change against Top Members and Group Voting


Just wanted to give everyone some insight into some of the changes we’ve been making this week. As we’ve talked about in the past, Digg’s promotional algorithm ensures that the most popular content dugg by a diverse, unique group of diggers reaches the home page. Our goal is to give each person a fair chance of getting their submission promoted to the home page. Since Digg began more than three years ago, we’ve constantly been making tweaks to the promotional algorithm and will continue to do so. Most of our additions go unnoticed, and others take a few days to normalize as we watch them run live on the site. We spend a lot of time analyzing the data and improving the system.

As we point out in our FAQ, occasionally you will see stories in the upcoming section with 100+ Diggs – this is evidence of our promotion algorithm hard at work. One of the keys to getting a story promoted is diversity in Digging activity. When the algorithm gets the diversity it needs, it will promote a story from the Upcoming section to the home page. This way, the system knows a large variety of people will be into the story.

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