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Live Interactive Online Courses for Google Analytics Start [PersonRank 10]

Monday, January 7, 2008
17 years ago2,382 views

The course takes place every Thursday for 6 weeks, starting at 1:30pm ET and lasting less than 2 hours. It covers everything from basic implementation to tracking e-commerce data to general quantitative marketing techniques and is intended for beginning to intermediate users of Google Analytics. The course will include sections on:

   * configuring goals and conversion events
   * tracking PPC campaigns
   * tracking email and banner campaigns
   * measuring visitor trends on your site

Each training session lasts from 60-75 minutes and is followed by a 30 minute live, interactive question and answer session. As an added bonus, while the presentation is in progress, instructors are standing by to answer your questions in real-time via interactive chat.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

yeah, but this costs money.. :(-

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