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JotSpot release date?

Dez [PersonRank 1]

Saturday, January 12, 2008
16 years ago2,687 views


I have a site with Google Pages, but I want to upgrade soon to a more sophisticated website design/publishing tool. I understand that JotSpot is supposed to be re-opening at some point in the near future, and that it can be used to create and publish websites, but does anyone know if there has been anything more precise than this?


GoogleTrader [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Hopefully we'll see something in the next couple weeks. As of today it's been exactly 1 year since their last release .

Would be a convenient time to release it :P

Will be great to see what they've done with it. Will be interesting to see what happens between JotSpot, Google Groups and Google Project Hosting, I assume Groups and Project Hosting will ultimately be migrated to the JotSpot platform.

Dez [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #


After so long, it'll surely (hopefully) be quite a big offering.

The blog post refers to wikis – can current JotSpot users only create wiki sites with JotSpot, or can they also create 'normal' sites? I have a small business and need to create a brochure site.

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