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Google logo carved in apple

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
16 years ago5,191 views

Ana Belén Ramón was visiting the new Google Zurich offices of Google (they relocated to another building) and saw apples like the above one. "[T]hey were comestible, not only for decoration," she says. "I think it was to celebrate the office's opening but I'm not sure."

[ Image CC-licensed by Ana with hat tip to Google Operating System]

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Nice one!

JohnMu [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

The apples are great :-). We just opened the new parts of the office yesterday, I love it. One of the guys in the office was able to put some of the pictures online at

/pd [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

thats really kewl!! nice handiwork

beussery [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Where do you get a knife like that? :)

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