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Most Creative Word of the Year 2007: "Googlegänger"

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
16 years ago2,351 views

Nancy Friedman writes:

<<The American Dialect Society has selected subprime as its word of the year (WOTY) for 2007. "Subprime" also won top honors in a new category for real estate words.

"Subprime" is an adjective describing "a risky or less than ideal loan, mortgage, or investment," according to the the ADS press release.

The results of the vote were announced Jan. 4 at the society's annual meeting in Chicago.

Winners in other categories included: (...)

MOST CREATIVE: Googlegänger. A person with your name who shows up when you google yourself. (Coined from doppelgänger.)>>

[Thanks Ian!]

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