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Need Gmail help for Mac...anyone?

shooskua [PersonRank 1]

Monday, January 28, 2008
16 years ago2,627 views

I am a Mac user running OSX 10.5.1. I have a new problem with my Gmail using Firefox I am unable to log in and after going through all of Google's help links, have not been able to resolve the problem.

Basically, when I try to log in, the screen keeps refreshing over and over in an endless loop...essentially nothing happens. I have checked my cookies to make sure they are enabled. I have changed my password. Thing is, this problem only started yesterday. Until then everything was fine.

I am able to log in to Gmail through another browser, Safari (Mac's native internet browser) so I know the problem lies with Firefox (I guess).

The only thing I have done to my computer in the last few days is install the Google Talk gadget so I wonder if this is the problem? I have looked for a way to uninstall the gadget, but haven't found one.

Any help is appreciated.

shooskua [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I just fixed the problem. I had to clear my cache and cookies in Firefox. That did the trick.

I finally found the solutions deeply embedded in Gmail help. I started by clicking the "Contact Us" link, then was led through a series of questions about my problem. It took a while to find it, but all I had to do was click on File, Preferences in the Firefox menu (make sure all other windows and tabs are closed first), then under 'Private Data,' click the 'Clear Now' button, then check only 'Cache' and 'Cookies' on the list, then click the 'Clear Private Data Now' button. Problem solved.

dev [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

thanks shooskua... worked like a charm

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