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Google has admitted one of its best kept secrets

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

Thursday, January 31, 2008
17 years ago6,460 views

Yossi Matias, the head of Google Tel Aviv in Isreal, hired a person that his search history suggests a severe mental illness. Since Google had to reject the candidate eventually, for no reason, Google has essentially admitted, for the fisrt time in history, that it looks at the search history of the candidates. This was supposed to be a secret, i.e something that is obvious but that does not have a written proof. Now it has one, and this is one of the biggest scandals in history.


[Unlinked URLs – Tony]

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman (AEF) [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

This guy clearly has mental issues – and it never says that they admitted that – he implied that – and I quote

"In response I sent the lawyer (Shira Schriber) a letter with 19 questions about my interview process, and I wrote there that if I will not get any response, I'll understand that it is because they are afraid that everything that they will say will incriminate them. The lawyer's assitant left a message in my answering machine in which she said that "She has nothing to add" (What about some answers??). By this they admitted guily."


Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I've read quite a bit of your website and can't find anything that suggests Google is actually admitting they looked at your Web History. It's all just speculation from what I've read.

<< My search history, on which Google is obliged by the law to look at, suggests a severe mental illness, but this is "obviously" incidental... >>

Sorry, what? Google is obliged by law to check your search history? I doubt that's true.

Could it not be possible that you were rejected simply because you weren't suitable for the position?

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

its just can Google know my search history as a person... ? maybe an IP Address or a gmail account (if history is turned on)..

I cant Imagine a HR dept getting the technical /Support service to cull out Historical search patterns of a candidate.. even a single request needs to be allocated to time/budgets and that is accountable to some salary and that salary goes into the books of accounts..

Audits would have caught that a long time ago.. remember google is traded company and they need to maintaince ethical stds' along with walking the SOX's line!!

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The site is very weird-but-funny:

<<First, Google is a top secret inteligence unit becasue of the following reasons:
1) The personal imformation saved in their servers is extremely sensitive,
and they cooperate with the goverments around the world.
2) Google is based on 2 secrets: a)How it ranks the pages b)How it's computer grid works.
3) Google don't publish articles.
4) Google don't publish their application before they are out.>>

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Google has previously said that access to user data is restricted to only those who it is absolutely necessary for privacy reasons and even then it is monitored. I seriously doubt HR is considered necessary.

Ianf [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Is this some kind of a joke? Barely one hour after original submission the above _unlinked_ url gets aliased to and displays a black-non-smiley GIF (which I wont be linking to; end of interest).

Incidentially, /pd: what's a(?) SOX?

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Ianf : SOX =Sarbanes-Oxley_Act

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

It's LEGAL for Google to look at the search history of the candidates!! My iGoogle acount was written in my resume. They do it only to make sure that you are not menatlly ill! It does not make any sense that they will hire someone that searched for pedofile/suicidal content!
I asked many lawyers and they all agreed with me. The problem is that google has ADMITTED that, not that Google did it.
And I could not have been better in the interviews, I have the most impressive resume, and my interview process took almost 8 months despite the fact I only asked for a STUDENT position. So the only reason for Google to reject me is that my serach history suggested a mental illness. And they did not deny it, obviously (that part is written in HEBREW, I'll translate it for you).
Anyway, have a close look at, and verify that I'm right.
Everyone in Isreal already know about that.

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

This story already apears in wikipedia:

I did not get a phonecall from their lawyers, so it's another proof that I'm right.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

<<So the only reason for Google to reject me is that my serach history suggested a mental illness. >>

I don't know too much about Google's rules for hiring people, but what you're saying doesn't make any sense. You say that your interview process took 8 months and that you were rejected because Google discovered something in your search history. But why would they interview you for 8 months if they could find out precious little details by looking at your search history?

<<The problem is that google has ADMITTED that, not that Google did it.>>

Where did Google admit that they looked at your search history?

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

First, it took 8 months because Google wanted to verify beyond all doubt that I'm menatlly ill. I searched for crazy stuff while they kept me waiting.
Google has essentially admitted that in a paragraph in a mail that their lawyer sent me:

3) At this point the company wants to clarify, that your calims in the 9/11 email are foundless, and are not true. The company did not check (in the past) about the web sites that you are surfing (in the present) on the internet. Anyway, and due to the values the compeny believes in, be sure that all of the information that you yourself chose to present will be handled discritly, and the company will keep your privacy, as it treats anyone, a candidate or an employee.
I.e. they did not say that they did it, they did not deny it, that just said something that does not make any sense. This is considered that they admitted that.
For more details check:
In specific:

[Unlinked URL – Tony]

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman (AEF) [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #


In the legal system there is no concept as שתיקה כהודה (silence is admission). It is common practice that when a customer/client/applicant becomes irate (like calling them at home – emailing them to their private e-mails) – they just shake their head and nod.

After they get really bad (threaten legally) they give you a cal from their lawyer and he basically says nothing except that it shows you they are willing to battle legaly.

You wrote that wiki article and it was removed and you re posted it. You also had originally written "Now it has one, and this is one of the biggest scandals in history"

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

But it is LEGAL for them to look at the search history of the candidates. it's not like I blame them for doing something illegal. The mere fact that they did not deny it, and said something realy stupid about it, shows that they essentailly admitted that, but this was supposed to be a SECRET. they are not supposed to say ANYTHING about it.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman (AEF) [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

<<they did not say that they did it, they did not deny it>>

They straight up denied it. Here is your quote (minus your interruptions)

<<that your calims in the 9/11 email are foundless, and are not true. The company did not check about the web sites that you are surfing on the internet.>>

Anyways, there is no point in arguing over this – you aren't budging. You make up claims and try to stir controversy. Go fight it in court and come back to me. Just don't ask me to help you pay for your legal fees.

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I was not talking about web sites, I was talking about search terms. And waht does it mean to check about(??) something?
And how could they check in the PAST the web sites I'm surfing in the PRESENT?
A LAWYER wrote that sentance, so you should be carefull to notice every little detail.

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

<<And how could they check in the PAST the web sites I'm surfing in the PRESENT?>>
The official quote is up for intepreation – yes, but you'd have to be so damn convinced that your right to see it that what. But look at it objectively, Google has denined it uses your history, end of.

From another comment:
<<It does not make any sense that they will hire someone that searched for pedofile/suicidal content! >>
I've looked up euthanasia – which is on most Religious Studies GCSE courses, that's something every British child has to take. I doubt every single one has partaken in it, or is planning to partake in someone's suicide.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman (AEF) [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

<<I've looked up euthanasia >>

OH NO! How could you? Are contemplating suicide. Phillip trace the IP address and call the cops – who knows what could happen. You don't want to get sued.


Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

First, if you search for pedofile content, they do inform that to the police, and they obviously are not going to hire you for a sensetive position. And the original sentance in hebrew simply does not make any sense, ask any hebrew speaking jew. I showed it to SERVERAL lawyers and they all agreed with me. I don't need a lawyer to sue Google, because I've already incriminated them myslef. That's why I gave myslef the freedom to update wikipedia, and I indeed did not get any phonecall from Google's lawyers.

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

By the way: this is the "almost" proof that Larry and Sergey check your personal information before they hire you:

Why is it so obvious that Larry and Sergey look at the candidate's personal information as a last step before they hire him? Let's look at the following scenario: Suppose the candidate serached for suicidal content in his iGoogle acount while he was depressed. He approaches google, and writes his Gmail address in his resume (which doubles as his iGoogle acount user name). He does very well on the interviews, and Larry and Sergey hire him. Working at Google invovles a lot of pressure, that he obviously can't handle, and he end up killing himself. His parents, that are aware of the fact that he was depressed, demand Google to expose his iGoogle search history, and in it are the words suicide methods.

They go to court, and blame Larry and Sergey for his death – after all, they could easily know that he is suicidal and they are not allowed to put pressure on him. What does Larry and Sergey can say for their defense? Absolutly nothing. They are found guilty and are put in jail.

So it is obvious that Larry and Sergey does have a look at the personal information of the candidate. And let's not forget that it is information that the candidate chose to give Google from his own free will. This is obviously not considered invading his privacy, and I refer you to the post "Google and privacy" to verify that this is indeed legal. And in any case, everything that an employer does to check the candidate's mental health, like talking with his previous employers, is inheretly embarassing. But that's life.
And why is it Larry and Sergey themeselves that do it?
1) It is they that do the final decision, and this is one of the considerations they have to take into account.
As written in the previous post, they are the only people in the world that know for a fact that it is actually done. And for a very good reason.
2) This involves a lot of trust, since as mentioned in a previous post, the personal information of the candidate can be the source of discrimination. So Larry and Sergey obviously trust themeselves.
3) They hire ~10 people a day, so even if they saw for a few minute your personal information, it is not that embarassing. They have short memory.
4) They live in Mountain View, and not in your home country, and they are trust worthy, so you should not be worried about rumors.
5) Since nobody is supposed to know that it is done, this process should not be logged. Larry and Sergey are probably the only people at Google that can look at people's personal information without it being logged.
I think this is as close as it gets to a proof that they actually do it. Again, there is nothing evil about it, and they would have to be endlessly evil if they ignored the candidate's personal information.

for more details check:

[Unlinked URL – Tony]

Haochi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You made a lot of assumptions, such as, "They like me so much", "I answered all of them correctly", etc. Further more, you "evidences" for "it seems like someone at Google clicked it" hardly prove anything (the IP isn't right), even yourself said that, "it seems" and in the sue.jpg, it only shows your point of views, not anything like, "their lawyer did not deny it".

I don't think the billionaires at Google sit around all day thinking about how to screw up your life.

beussery [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

If you spend all day searching gambling sites does than mean you have a gambling problem? Not if your client is a gambling site and you've never gambled a day in your life!

Is the head of Google Tel Aviv qualified to diagnose mental illness?

What psychiatric test battery is designed to evaluate mental ability based search queries?

What if you only use Yahoo?

What if you don't have a Google account?

What if you sign up using a bogus name?

So Google is helping map the human genome to unlock the answers to mental illness while at the same time discriminating against those with such an illness?

"Google is an equal opportunity employer. Employment here is based solely upon one's individual merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence. We don't discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, age, marital status, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristics protected by law. We will also make all reasonable accommodations to meet our obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state disability laws."


I think this accusation is BULL!

Atzat Nefesh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

So, do you think they hire people with mental problems, like people that are suicidal? It is strictly forbidden for an employer to admit that they reject people with mental problems, but that is legal and obvious. Ask anyone that is a manager in a hightech company.
Gambling has nothing to do with that. But if you search for pedofile or suicidal content, in your iGoogle acount, than man, you have mental problems, and don't be surprised if Google will not hire you.

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