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Tech Czar, Blog Translation Network  (View post)

Vitorino [PersonRank 1]

Monday, March 10, 2008
16 years ago3,405 views

The Portuguese equivalent of the German posting you pointed out is very good. It is definetly Brazilian Portuguese though (it is easy to tell because in Portugual they use continous tense like studying, copying etc very seldom). So they should just change flags :)

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

They quite simply shouldn't use flags at all. That's one of the biggest mistakes made by localized websites.

Flags = Regions!= Languages

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Exactly... and if they'd allow authors to use their own navigation for the translation, the author could include something like just a DHTML layer dropdown containing linked language names...

Languages ▼
│English ←

Brian Humphrey [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #


While acknowledging the errors of automated translation (which is clearly not "interpretation), the Los Angeles Fire Department has made good use of __Google's free translation service__. Interestingly, the feature we find most valuable is the header on the translated page that makes it clear that a machine and not a person is responsible for the admittedly less than perfect results.

Our translation tools are on the *top right* at:

...and we were recently pleased to see enhanced feedback available in the results. Keep up the great work Philipp, and consider us among your biggest fans.

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

Vincent Abry [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I just received an offer this week from TechCzar but I am not sure I want to have their big header on my blog
And the fact that the translated articles are not on my own blog is not good

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