I found a Dropbox Beta Code that's still active as of right now...
You'll need to go here http://www.getdropbox.com/register?cont=http%3A//www.getdropbox.com/account and click the link that says "Don't have an account? Create one free"
The Beta Code is: webware
You can download the Dropbox application here: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/17/Dropbox%200.6.177.exe
(FYI, there are less then 100 signups left under this code: http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9891260-2.html :) |
I forgot to link to this page too: http://getdropbox.com/beta/webware
(Although you don't really need it and it will no longer be available when the invite codes are used up.) |
Here's another demo of their system too: http://getdropbox.com/u/2/screencast.html
(You can see their new video on their getdropbox.com home page.) |
And...it's expired now! :( |
Okay, I found another Beta Code!!
I was watching this video http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/2/beta/screencast.html and about half way through, he talks about the "Public" folder and goes in and shows us the "Top Secret" file...
Well, there was another file in the "Public" folder called "clever.txt" so I typed the URL in my address bar: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1037/clever.txt
Inside is the Beta Code, clever: http://getdropbox.com/beta/clever
It also says: "hurry, though, only the first 100 get in" :) |
By the way, if you have a Mac, you can download the Dropbox install here: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/17/Dropbox%200.6.177.dmg
(The Windows EXE download link is in my top post.) |
I initially thought that this is "just another file sharing app", but after watching the demo, it's like SO COOL. (Not that I will use it.) The demo shows the guy X-ing out Platypus' (Google Drive's) logo. |
;-) Yeah, that Platypus kind of thing is a kind of funny...
It's becoming something as an internet myth, something like a virtual Atlantis ;-) |
Now all they need is a linux/bsd version as well, perhaps even with nautilus support. Then I would be sold :) |