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Jaiku is 20% project at Google, says Jaiku developer

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, April 24, 2008
16 years ago3,799 views

Link to the Vierityspalkki entry (in Finnish only, sorry):

The author, Mrs./Ms. Tuija Aalto reports that Jaiku developer Mr. Teemu Kurppa has shared the recent state of Jaiku work when giving a speech to the student of Helsinki university in Helsinki on 23rd April.

The blog entry states that there was a local meeting for Jaiku users in a local restaurant too. The YouTube interview is from the meeting, says the entry.

The main news is that Jaiku is being developed as "20 percent project" of ex-Jaikuers now, but information about the main project of ex-Jaikuers is not available (as expected).

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