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hebbet [PersonRank 10]

Monday, August 4, 2008
16 years ago4,657 views

<<He hasn’t sold the domain name yet, but it seems like he has been approached by Google with a six-figure offer. However, he has stated that he wants at least €1 million to part with the domain name. That is approximately $1.56 million.>>

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

The Knol owner Hilco 5 days ago didn't want to tell me how much Google offered or for how much they'd sell though he told me:

<<We are thinking a certain price that we say ok that is a good offer if not also good.
The traffic on is very good About 130 Countries. (...)

Only what I want to say is that selling a domain name is easy, but to sell your surname and company name is not so easy it is easy for other people.
Also you must make new logos marketing etc. that will cost a lot off time and money before it is on the level what we have now and want.

But there is always a possibility that we will make a agreement we will see the future.>>

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Here's a Real movie about Hilco Knol and his domain adventures:

Anyone know how to convert the RM format into something uploadable to YouTube or something? I want to avoid installing bloated Real Player.

Auto-translated from the Dutch website's report by RTV Rijnmond:
<<Previously, he had a dislike to his own surname: Hilco Knol from Dordrecht. But that is suddenly changed, because his eponymous domain name him a good fortune.>>

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