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help! [Google account and blogs deleted]

amy Taylor [PersonRank 0]

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
15 years ago2,265 views

Hi there,
I desperately need some help from Google Tech Support. The online automated help is of no use for me (I've already tried it many times). I accidently deleted my google account, which deleted my blogs! Stupid me I know! But after searching the internet for hours, I've found there are quite a few that have made the same mistake. Anyhow, I seem to be up against a brick wall. These blogs are really important to me. One is my family journal events & happenings for the past 2 years. The other is a blog I designated to help end social injustices around the world. Currently I am raising money for my friends who are adopting twins from Uganda. I had an online auction up when the blog went down. I am so heartbroken over this. So much so that I am e-mailing complete strangers through facebook who have Google listed as employer.
If you would have mercy on me and try to get me some help I would be eternally grateful.
I am not spam or some weirdo – just a stay-at-home mom who is heartbroken over the loss of her blogs. Pathetic? I don't know. Please help?
[Email address removed as replies can be posted here to help others – Tony]

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

My advice would be to try and find the blogs in Google (or other search engines) using the [site:] operator to try and retrieve a backup from their cached versions ASAP before they get removed.

The chance of you getting your Google account reactivated and your blogs back is pretty slim I'm afraid, so I'd do this before you do anything else...

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

If at least one person subscribed to your blogs in Google Reader, you can get a backup of the feeds using this URL:

where FEED_URL is the URL of a feed (e.g.:
and NUMBER_OF_ITEMS is the number of posts you want to see (e.g.: 50)

Example (for Google's blog):

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