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Here's Friendfeed's Real Time View...  (View post)

mak [PersonRank 5]

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
15 years ago3,042 views

How can anyone follow such a busy feed!

Robert J [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

I don't get it. I see so much noise and such a waste of time. But still quite strangely all bloggers are completely sold on FriendFeed. I wonder when these ads alike kinda posts are gonna stop.

Ken Leebow [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

Right on Robert J.

And . . . In a world where everyone says they are busy, busy, busy . . . I do not believe them.

Just take a look at the billions of comments, photos, tweets, and more being posted on the Internet. It's a massive wasteland.

I speak about the Future of the Internet and I think many people have gone stark-raving mad.

BTW, thanks for a good blog. In an ancient time (2-years ago), blogs were incredibly informative. Let's hope people go back to blogging and stop tweeting.

Ken Leebow

Jérôme Flipo [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

They bring the technology, you choose how to use it.
Adapt it, mash it up, filter, share... the list is long.

Scoble doesn't read this kind of flow, as far as I know. He uses lists and rooms, and keep an eye on the main flow during major events.

I think what Philipp wanted to show was the real-time technology, the UI. It is great and can be used in 2000 different ways. Test it, you may find a personal advantage to a particular use.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I don't think this real-time view with that many subscriptions is useful in terms of digesting deeper information and backgrounds – I think a good book (with no real-time info at all) could be far more useful in that. What I do think it does is communicate the current mood of a group, which is information in itself (information which you may or may not seek). I also find it interesting how just by scaling this feed reader, the Friendfeed team pushed it to a level where it almost feels like a new type of IRC... an IRC which is not split up into rooms but which is split into basically endless custom social spaces. (There's another angle: that "global brain," where each of our messages are just information bits useless on their own, but in combination, thought processes may appear.)

But as Jérôme says, it's just another technology, and in the end you need to choose how to use it. And I think it's good that this real-time space is watched critically by everyone here... it's far too easy to mistake distraction with relevant information.

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