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Filter File Types on Google Video

DPic [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
15 years ago2,371 views

I tried deselecting flash but it didn't work. Maybe Google will start hosting videos in other formats?

Its disappointing that they still haven't done anything to either merge Google Video and YouTube, or keep the search in Google video and hosting on YouTube, and make YouTube less ugly, more googley, and suck less. It has lot's of great features, but it's sort of a complete mess...

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

<<Its disappointing that they still haven't done anything to either merge Google Video and YouTube, or keep the search in Google video and hosting on YouTube, and make YouTube less ugly, more googley, and suck less. It has lot's of great features, but it's sort of a complete mess...>>

And yay! No more WMV's!

DPic [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

<And yay! No more WMV's!>>

As in, you're excited because you can now filter out wmv videos? These filters aren't working for me-- they seem to have little effect. They might change my search results a bit but everything is flash. I have never seen a non-flash Google video result. Does this work for anyone?

I hope it's not too long before ogg theora is on the list of formats

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