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Lost Google on my cmputer

Tomasz Skrzypczynski [PersonRank 1]

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
16 years ago3,803 views

I can not get Google on any of my browsers Opera IE and Mozilla
My kids can get it on their computers
any ideas why
with thanks

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

What do you see when you enter in the address bar?

Tomasz Skrzypczynski [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Hi Philipp
Clear white page in Opera
Can not connect with the server in IE and Mozilla
thanks in advance

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

All other Web pages are working correctly or what is the situation?

Tomasz Skrzypczynski [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Yes everything else is fine. It's like I have told the computer (or someone else did) there is no Google on the internet. I can visit and ask about google but it will not take me to Google.
I have Netgear ProSafe VPN Firewall router and Netcomm ADSL+2 modem. It all worked fine until few days ago. Did lot of housekeeping. Scanned with Symantec found a "number".exe deleted succesfully. Spysweeper twice found a trojan. deleted succesfully. Turned off the System Restore before rebooting Cleaned up the puter with track eraser all temp, even all .dat. Still no Google
It can not be the router or modem setting because my kids computers can Google
I am lost for thoughts. Icannot ask google FAQ about this as I can not connect ggggggrrrrrrrrrr

Ludwik Trammer [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Polish version below.

This could be connected to number of things, probably having to do with the DNS system. You could check contents of your /etc/hosts file (C:\system32driversetchosts on Windows) and DNS servers set up on your system, BUT one can suspect the changes to your system was done by the virus that was found on your system. It probably wanted to intercept traffic between you and Google to get your passwords and other personal data. There may be much more sites that are affected. While they might seem to work just fine, the traffic may be redirected through hacker's servers. Those days there is really no such thing like successfully removed virus. Virus creators have a big financial incentive to stay on your system, so when they get control over your system they usually use every trick to stay on – they use rootkit technology to hide themselves, attach themselves to system files, download more bad stuff to your system. You may thing you removed the virus, but there is usually much more bad stuff hiding on your computer. I STRONGLY recommend to back up your personal files, format the drive and reinstall the system.

Może być to związane z wieloma rzeczami, prawdopodobnie powiazanymi z systemem DNS. Możesz sprawdzić zawartość swojego pliku /etc/hosts (C:\system32driversetchosts pod Windowsem) i serwery DNS ustawione w Twoim systemie, ALE można podejrzewać, że te zmiany zostały wprowadzone przez wirusa, który został znaleziony w systemie. Chciał on prawdopodobnie przechwycić transfer danych pomiędzy Google i twoim komputerem żeby uzyskać hasła i inne prywatne dane. Wiele innych stron może być również zagrożona. Podczas gdy mogą one pozornie działać prawidłowo, dane mogą być przekierowywane poprzez serwer hakera. W dzisiejszych czasach praktycznie nie istnieje coś takiego jak skuteczne usunięcie wirusa. Twórcy wirusów mają poważny interes finansowy żeby pozostać na twoim komputerze, więc gdy przejmą kontrolę nad Twoim systemem użyją każdego triku żeby na nim pozostać – użyją technologi rootkit żeby się ukryć, dołączą swojego wirusa do plików systemowych i pobiorą znacznie więcej złego oprogramowania na Twój system. Może ci się wydawać, że usunąłeś wirusa, ale w takiej sytuacji zazwyczaj znacznie więcej szkodliwego oprogramowania nadal pozostaje, ukryta, na Twoim komputerze. ZDECYDOWANIE sugeruję żebyś skopiował swoje prywatne pliki, sformatował dysk twardy, i zainstalował system od nowa.

Tomasz Skrzypczynski [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Thank you LudwiK
That makes sense. I'll wait if onyone else has a less drastic solution but the format could be the only answer.
Thank you for the Polish version but my Polish these days is little rusty. I live in Australia
What about my kids computers? are they safe or same problem?

KMB [PersonRank 7]

16 years ago #

Probably the same problem with all computers you have been in contact to, virus is by nature contagious.

Manish Arora [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

i want to change google name on my computer

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