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Google Docs Users Spend Only 5 Minutes per Month on the Site

FringeStream [PersonRank 1]

Friday, November 14, 2008
16 years ago2,984 views

According to Compete, on an average, a unique visitor to Google Docs logs in to his/her account just on 3 days per month. And the overall engagement level is even worse because an average visitor is spending just about 5 minutes per month on the Google Docs site.

Source: 1>


Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

I doubt those numbers are accurate. The stats mix people who visit published documents/spreadsheets with those that actually edit them.

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Well I spend hours on there each week, so some people must spend a few second on there :P

I find it hard to believe that people only spend 5 minutes a month, it's a fantastic product and there's no charge.

FringeStream [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

LOL nice reply Mrrix32. even i hav doubt about it 5 min is just cant believe . i just post what i found online .

mrbene [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Can you pick out the data analyst? Averages are generally useless, even more so if they're only able to track "usage" time if a user looks at multiple documents (in the case that only document-open is a measured event).

Since there's absolutely no information about how the 5 minutes number is sourced, well, it's untrustable. Ya, I just made up that word. English (yes you, the language)? Please adapt. [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

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