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Gmail space increase slower since october...

Luka [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, November 27, 2008
16 years ago11,797 views

It seems that Gmail changed the increase rate of gmail storage as 20 th october 2008...

Here are the new values :

var CP = [
   [ 1199433600000, 6283], (04/01/2008 09:00)
   [ 1224486000000, 7254], (20/10/2008 09:00)
   [ 2144908800000, 10996], (20/12/2037 09:00)
   [ 2147328000000, 43008], (17/01/2038 09:00)
   [ 46893711600000, Number.MAX_VALUE]

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #


hebbet [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

the numbers of october 2007:
var CP = [
   [ 1175414400000, 2835],
   [ 1192176000000, 2912],
   [ 1193122800000, 4321],
   [ 1199433600000, 6283],
   [ 2147328000000, 43008],
   [ 46893711600000, Number.MAX_VALUE]

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

On the other hand, the storage growth is going to be pretty exciting from 20 December 2037 to 17 January 2038.

Two days later all the 32-bit Unix dates wrap around back to 1901, and we have to wait about a century to get a Gmail storage allowance again.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Is there a fix yet for that bug?

Does it affect windows users at a system level? I use a mac, which is based on UNIX, but I'm not sure about Windows...

Luka [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

64-bit Unix is a pretty good fix to that bug... :°P

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