Hey all
My Google apps is killing me again. the compose link is not working and it's taking forever to load... any of you experiencing the same ? |
It's working now (past midnight of 2nd of March, CET, Stockholm, Sweden), but over the last few days, and now-and-then in the immediate past beyond that, it's been real flaky. As were parts of that small subset of the www that I visit regularly. Some of this could probably be attributed to (non-Googlish) infrastructure. I'm getting DNS errors as often as non-ACKs from Gmail; at other times Gmail will load sans pictures, or load and then enter some wacky no-refresh state (i.e. it reports being unable to save a draft, say, and returns a blank page; yet when I do a refresh right after, it saves a second draft of the latest text with a brand-new Message-ID and correctly redrawn screen image).
Concurrently, now-and-again I am experiencing MORE OFTEN THAN IN THE PAST some inability to access other, non-Googly, sites, incl. that of the blogoscoped.com ["at most 80% Google" it has the temerity to claim, those jokers]. More Euro than American sites seem affected; interestingly enough [ google.com/reader/m] mobile site is largely up even when Gmail is unreachable. And the Mobile Reader works even when its XHTML-companion gateway [ google.com/gwt/n] doesn't respond, or not quickly enough.
That said – there ought to be an impartial sort of global "Gmail-gauge," a tool running on several clients all polling Gmail perodically from their localities, and reporting time-stamped outcomes (via asynchronous mail, if no other choice) to a central "GmailUpOrNot" site, where the data would be collated into geo-tagged stats, and redisplayed as both timeline-y, and map-placed graphs for all to see. So, when one gets local Gmail-access blues, the first thing to do would be to check for "what do others in my vicinity report/or/not-at-all." Kind of a companion function to downforeveryoneorjustme.com .
There are several Google-centric, or SEO-watching sites, and a small, but motivated user community in existence. Philipp please write that tool, so we can all install it and contribute periodical pings for the greater common good?! |