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Google to invest 200 million euros to Hamina data centre

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
16 years ago3,700 views

There is information about the size of the investment and personnel amount related to the Hamina date centre case now:

Google's translation of the Finnish language article

"Google invests Hamina Summan new server center 200 million. The company intends to employ Haminassa stable around 50 people.

Google has acquired Stora Enso's former paper mill Haminan amount. The search engine giant, is planning to change the factory konesaliksi great.

The factory price was 40 million euros. Manufacture of paper ran out amount in January of last year.

The world's most popular search service, Google is reportedly responsible for dozens of machine halls around the world. Halls machines run Google searches and the company's other online services of the technology."

Very good quality of the translation, again.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

From online newspaper Uusi Suomi:

[translated with Google Translate]
"Google: This is why we came Hamina

Google explained the reasons for its Haminassa briefing why the company decided to enter the Hamina.

Google Director Rhett Weiss, the causes of Hamina, the choice was a good business environment and a large factory area, which was already in the buildings.

Close to good infrastructure is suitable to Google, the very development of the region.

Finland is according to Weiss also offers high-quality workforce. The company wants to serve the European market.

t is speculated the effect of Finland's proximity to Russia Google's settlement. The V-word Weiss did not mention at all."

They mean Russia with the V-word (it is "Venäjä" in Finnish)

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #



Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

'Invest in Finland suggested Google to locate data centre in old Finnish paper mills':

"Invest in Finland supported us from the start, and during the process offered us alternative solutions for the investment; Summa Mill was the best one for us”, says Rhett Weiss from Google Inc.

Ianf [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

So Google (presumably) intends to house a large-enough server farm there, one of several it now maintains, if of varying individual capacity, around the globe. What I don't get from these auto-translated reports is ?why? there, why in a former paper mill?

Is it because Google's servers are/ to be/ water-chilled? (paper manufacturing requires large amounts of water, which can also be used for cooling/ as heat-exchange agent in industrial settings).

J. McNair [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

[put at-character here]Ianf
Yes, it has always been Google's not really secret plan to have massive datacenters on every continent. To keep Google fast, they want data as geographically close to users as possible.

Juha-Matti Laurio's comment explains the move to Hamina pretty well.
1. Paper mills have industrial grade infrastructure (water, electricity, space)
2. Finland has tons of bright people to hire (good workforce)
3. Apparently the region is well developed (so there's fiber optic networks)
4. Finland is near Eastern Europe, which can help Google deliver a better experience to Eastern European/West Asian countries (including Russia).

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