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Problems with Google Analytics

Grega M [PersonRank 2]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
16 years ago8,241 views

Does anybody else experience problems with Google Analytics in the last few weeks?
If you show the data only for one day, you do not see a graph for longer period any more, only one dot so you cannot compare it with the past.

Additionaly, I noticed an interesting issue yesterday – is it possible to have more visitors than visits?

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

It looks like this "feature" was rolled out a few days ago according to Barry Schwartz on the Search Engine Roundtable blog:

It might make sense for date ranges where you're comparing one week against another, but for one day it makes the graph a bit meaningless.

I didn't think it was possible to have more visitors than visits. Having checked this support article, that seems to be the case:

<< Visits vs. Visitors

   Analytics measures both visits and visitors in your account. Visits represent the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site. If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity will be attributed to a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session.

   The initial session by a user during any given date range is considered to be an additional visit and an additional visitor. Any future sessions from the same user during the selected time period are counted as additional visits, but not as additional visitors. >>

Grega M [PersonRank 2]

16 years ago #

In the past (few years ago), if you selected one day, you would have seen the graph displayed by hours of that specific day. Which was nice as it actually gave you additional information (now available through custom reports).
But as it is now, I do not see much point...

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Grega, I remember that too. Perhaps they're going to do that again and this is just the first step...

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