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Textrunner experimental search

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

Friday, June 12, 2009
15 years ago3,057 views

The Textrunner experimental search...
...mines Google's index for predicates which you can query. Roughly speaking, a predicate is a verb between two nouns.

   For example:

"What does Google love"
Google loves blogs, fresh content, these sites, Squidoo, Wikipedia, weblogs, static pages, blog, relevant links, WordPress, Yahoo, RSS, Gmail, content rich websites, Blogger, the iPhone, UsFreeAds, Linux, keywords, sitemaps, old domains, regular informative text,, backlinks, this directory, social media, lots of high quality content, domain names, Squidoo lenses, Digg, these kinds of links.

"What does Google hate"
Google hates duplicate content, America, affiliates, opt-in pages, session IDs, one page, Macs, Flash, Doughnuts, duplication

"What does Microsoft love"
Microsoft loves open source, Linux, Windows more, Linux and Vista licenses, CA boss, that idea, worries

"What does Microsoft hate"
Microsoft hates Apple, Sony, Google, open source, the GPL, Asustek, vista, Asus, the GPL., Linux, these guys, the Xbox, Java

"Who writes science fiction"
People, Hubbard, prolific Canadian sci-fi author, L Ron Hubbard, Vonnegut, Robert Heinlein, Philip K Dick, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Paul Levinson, Dick, guy, Gibson, Carl Sagan, way, Anne Rogers

"Who is married to David Beckham"
Beckham, brunette beauty, Victoria, Victoria Beckham, head, 33-year-old singer

"Does God exist"
God does exist last night

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Pretty cool and funny! Not very accurate, but an interesting concept nonetheless.

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