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Yahoo is taking care of ads on Bing? [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
15 years ago2,506 views

I didn't know this, Yahoo apparently is taking care of the advertisements on Bing?!

On the Dutch version of Microsoft Advertising,

"# Wilt u meer weten over de advertentiemogelijkheden voor Bing? Dan kan het Bing Sales team u er meer over vertellen. U kunt ze bereiken op het internationale telefoonnummer 0800 0250118 of per e-mail op nl-klantenservice-ysm[put at-character here]"

"# To find out more about advertising opportunities for Bing? Then the Bing Sales team tell you more about it. You can achieve on the international telephone number 0800 0250118 or by e-mail nl-customer-service-ysm[put at-character here]"

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Maybe because Microsoft adCenter is limited to a small number of countries: US, UK, Canada, France, Singapore.

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