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Google Squared Update - Sorting, exporting, and self-learning!  (View post)

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

Saturday, October 10, 2009
15 years ago3,285 views

<< Today we're launching a number of improvements to the amount and quality of information you can find with Google Squared, as well as new tools to sort and export the data...

...At launch, your first square could include at most 30 facts. With today's update, squares display four times as much data — up to 120 facts. For example, instead of seeing only five presidents and three categories, now you'll see a table with 20 presidents and up to six attributes...

...Perhaps more interesting, we built Squared to learn from edits and corrections, so as people have been improving their squares, Google Squared has gotten better for everyone. >>

Above 1 comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,

Mark Edmondson [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

I think its a great step in the right direction and will give clues to how a semantic web could work, I espeically look forward to the day, as ReadWrite web said, when we can just put ".csv" to the end of a Google Squared URL and be able to download all available data.

Still some question over what sources to use though; Google still seem to favour Wikipedia which isn't the best IMO – I put an email to posterous about it here:

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