how close is this rumor ? Will google make its own Smartphone ? |
According to The Street's Commenter's page (The Street's Scott Moritz was the one who created this rumor)
Comment 1: Some one has shorted Apple or Motorola stocks and just wants to put out false rumors so they can cover their shorts. TheStreet put out a false rumor on 9/30 that Motorola will announce the second Android phone for Verizon "Next Week". Well that's three weeks after "Next Week" but Moto still has not formally make the announcement. Cramer was telling people that Apple stocks will drop after the earnings last week. He must realizes that he made the mistake and badly needs help covering his short positions. You are screwed if you believe in this "Exclusive" from TheStreet.
Comment 2:Scott Moritz was the one who put out a false rumor about Motorola announcing the Android phone for Verizon "Next Week" on 9/30. And I did a search on "Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar". Kumar had a note to investors last week telling them that iPhone sales were terrible in China. Now that both Scott and Kumar are proven wrong. Do you still want to believe their Exclusive? The SEC should investigate this Exclusives from the so called analysts?
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