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50+ Android Phones expected in near future

BizAbh [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
15 years ago2,494 views

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Its not even a year ago as the HTC Dream G1 became the first Android enabled phone to be released publicly on October 22nd and now we have listed more than 50 Android phones expected in the near future:

What are all the Google Android phones?

BOLD if available now / ITALICS is rumored release date

1. Acer Liquid – A1 – November
2. Compulab Exeda
3. Dell Ophone mini3i – Benzine
4. Geek Phone One
5. General Mobile DSTL1
6. Haier H7
7. HKC Pearl
8. HighScreen PP5420
9. HTC Click – Fiesta – Tattoo
10. HTC Desire 6200 – October
11. HTC Dragon – Zoom 2
12. HTC Dream – T-Mobile G1
13. HTC Hero G3
14. HTC Lancaster
15. HTC Magic – Sapphire – T-Mobile myTouch 3G – Google Ion – Dopod A6188
16. HTC Passion
17. HTC Predator
18. Huawei U8220 – T-Mobile Pulse
19. Huawei U8230
20. ZTE Android 21. Innocomm Skate
22. Kogan Agora
23. Koolu Freerunner
24. Lenovo O1 Ophone
25. LG Etna
26. LG GW620 Eve – November 2009
27. LG GW880
28. Motorola Calgary
29. Motorola Droid – Sholes – Tao – November 7th
30. Motorola Heron
31. Motorola MB200
32. Motorola MB300
33. Motorola Morrison – Cliq – DEXT – October 21st
34. Motorola Motis – 2010
35. Motorola Sholes Tablet – 2010
36. Motorola Zeppelin – 2010
37. Openmoko GTA02
38. Philips V808
39. Qigi i6
40. Samsung Behold 2 T939 – December
41. Samsung Bigfoot
42. Samsung Galaxy i7500
43. Samsung Galaxy Lite i5700 – Spica – 2010
44. Samsung Houdini
45. Samsung m850 Q
46. Samsung Moment – InstinctQ m900 – November 1st
47. Sciphone N12
48. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X3 Rachael
49. Sunno S880 – October 15th
50. Tiger G3

Also there are some other Android-based devices available:
- Android Netbook Acer AOD250
- Archos 5 500 GB Internet Tablet with Android

Who will create the Android Phones?
Currently Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson, HTC, ASUS, ACER, Garmin, Huawei, Toshiba, & Motorola.

What networks will support Android Phones?
T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint Nextel, Vodafone, China Mobile, KDDI, DoCoMo, Softbank Mobile, Telecom Italia, & Telefónica.

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