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Digg Creator Interview (Audio)  (View post)

Hesiem [PersonRank 0]

Thursday, January 12, 2006
19 years ago

Digg is indeed an amazing tool! Every week I can see a breaking story on digg and 3 to 5 days latter I will see the same storry on TV or in the news papers.

Chuck Tomasi [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Hey, thanks for picking this up! It was fun to talk to Kevin. There was so much more we wanted to talk about, but just didn't have time. As it was I had to edit out about 30 minutes of chit chat. Technorama also has more interviews with Leo Laporte, Steve Wozniak, Patrick Norton, Adam Savage and more! We'd love for you to listen and even subscribe (for free). Take a light hearted look at technology, science, and sci-fi at "Feed your inner geek twice a week with Technorama!"

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