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Hackers Abuse Servage Hosting to Poison Google Image Search

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, April 29, 2010
14 years ago2,823 views

The Unmask Parasites blog reports of "a new generation of rogue blogs on Servage network":

<<The allinurl:x=y:10 paged query returned 16,000,000 results! All of them (at least the first 1,000 that Google allows to see) led to rogue blogs similar to the one I had just found.>>:

The goal of the rogue blogs is to sneak into Google Images:
<<But once you turn off the SafeSearch (after all the content of the blogs suggests that they are after porn searchers who disable the SafeSearch filtering), you’ll get poisoned search results on the first page for almost every keyword found on the malicious landing pages. Moreover, for many of the searches, more than 50% of search results on the first pages point to the rogue blog pages.>>

[Via John Mueller at Buzz]

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