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The Chrome Web Store  (View post) [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
14 years ago9,404 views

We believe it should be easier for users to discover web apps and for developers to reach a large audience. That’s why today at Google I/O, we announced the Chrome Web Store, an open marketplace for web apps.

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Bart [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

Tell me, how is this different from Google Directory? Or Yahoo Directory? That you have given it a fancy name? (It still is for websites, bah!)

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

[put at-character here]Bart:

It doesn't seem very different from a simple directory, but...

(1) It "installs" a shortcut to the apps, so that they "feel" more like an app than a website,

(2) Google will add value to the "directory" (through ratings, statistics, and a search process optimised for applications)

(3) It's integrated with payments, so that developers can sell premium applications.

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