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Ogs, an iPad Two-Player Game  (View post)

scjm [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
14 years ago19,742 views

You're a really clever guy, Philipp.

Alex Ksikes [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

it's amazing you've been able to make all of this by yourself!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Thanks to PhoneGap for much of it, Alex! This enabled me to use technologies I already know, namely JavaScript, which they basically fire up in an invisible Safari browser window running as the app. I also received help on StackOverflow with questions. Now one thing in particular that required many people for creating this game was doing the actual game testing... not so much to find bugs, but to find out how the game play flows and how the game can be balanced. It's incredible how much one can learn from an hour or two of playing with others or seeing others play... testing a two-player game alone simply doesn't really work at all.

If you have an iPad, I hope you can get this and play it with your friends, I'm looking to gather more feedback, in particular on game play tactics and balance...

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