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Robert Louis Stevenson's 160th Birthday Doodle

124 [PersonRank 4]

Friday, November 12, 2010
13 years ago9,120 views

Moses [PersonRank 0]

13 years ago #


Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

It's online today.

Jake Vince Carter [PersonRank 0]

13 years ago #

I can't see the g, the second o, the second g, the l, or the e...

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Second o is very special...

Christiaan de Blaazer [PersonRank 0]

13 years ago #

What a picture! This logo made me digging...
I like treasure islands.
Stevenson lived only 44 years,
maybe he had a fine life, living at Samoa!

[anonymous] [PersonRank 4]

13 years ago #

I love the way they always hide the letters!

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