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Idea: CrowdChat  (View post)

Moby Mouse [PersonRank 0]

Thursday, December 16, 2010
14 years ago231,400 views

Very nice, Addin Troppo text to voice service and you have got a kindda Radio phone-in podcast

Oliver Gassner [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #


neat idea for crowd intelligence.

Maybe on a tie the sugegstion that had the most votes EARLIER could 'win' instead of a random one.

jt [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Interesting. *Really* interesting actually. I'm wondering if this kind of thing could be formalized a bit (good observation Oliver!) and built into an organization's decision work-flow. I wonder how many integrated "interested parties" a conversational form like this could realistically support.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

> Maybe on a tie the sugegstion that had the
> most votes EARLIER could 'win' instead of a random one.

Just to clarify, I didn't mention this, but I imagined everyone writing the sentences in private first – with a time indicator showing how many seconds are left* – and then for the voting, they would be shown all at once (in random order for every voter). Of course you could still count whose answer got its votes earlier on on average (note this would strengthen the voting power of quick voters, not sure if that's wanted?), I just wanted to clarify because I didn't make this part explicit in the description...

*The countdown should be set to zero immediately if everybody finished writing their sentence already, no need to wait if everyone's done.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I presume there's a typo in the second sentence, and the third group mentioned should be "B" not "A", like this:

"For Group B to reply to what Group A says, each member of Group _B_ proposes a sentence"

Mark Segal [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

nice idea for discussion chat rooms, but there's a big chance it might be misused in corporations. the program should indicate the amount/percent of people voted next to each sentence posted to represent the weight of statement. because in case one writes something that is ignored by his group it will be represented as an opinion of a group.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

> because in case one writes something that is ignored
> by his group it will be represented as an opinion of a group.

Mark, to explain, if you write something that is ignored, then it will never show up anywhere in the chat... it won't be shown to the other group, and it won't make it into the chat log. It will just be briefly shown during the vote, and then disappear if it's not the top-rated comment...

Now if there's no vote being given at all, I suppose it could be the other group's turn again.

> I presume there's a typo in the second sentence, and the
> third group mentioned should be "B" not "A", like this:

Good catch Roger, thanks, fixed!

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