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Google search

Fred Smith [PersonRank 1]

Saturday, December 25, 2010
14 years ago7,293 views

Until recently when I searched by Google a small box at the bottom right had corner of my computor screen could be clicked to take me to the relevent information imbedded within a page, thus avoiding searching page by page for the relevent information I needed.
In the last few days this 'box' does not appear. What has happened. I found this a really useful feature

Fred Smith [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

It seems that this facility was added automatically during a Google update
has no one else had same problem.

Jérôme [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Fred, this feature is probably from this Chrome extension,, which you may have uninstalled/deactivated. It's an official Google extension, but for some reasons, I can't find it in the "by Google" category – ah, if Google can't organize its own information...

Fred Smith [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Thanks Jerome. Installed Google Chrome but thats not it.

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