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11/11 '11

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
13 years ago8,248 views

Happy 11/11 '11.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

You too!

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Ooops 11/1 '11 and soon 11/1 '11 11:11PM here in Finland! Thanks!

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

we have to wait a few "hours":

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #


Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

It's 11/11/2011 here, not quite so symmetrical.

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

This year I'll be celebrating my Bday big way on
11/11/11 11:11:11

remember my internet keyword is "rohit11"

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

To clarify – there is a typo in the title, it should be 11/1 '11 – or 1/11 '11 :)

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