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I need Matt Cutts Help

Rick [PersonRank 0]

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
13 years ago7,208 views

I wish Matt Cutts can help me through this forum I have the same problem IONUT ALEX CHITU I know he helped him and I'm very desperate, I have a blog that has been working perfectly for more than one year with Google ads on it, in the last 6 months the blog has gained rankings and followers, each time there are more readers in feedburner nearly 1k readers right now, it has been very good for me, I even quit my job because of how well things were going, the url of the site contains the word Google on it, but at the top below the title it says unofficial site not endorsed and not sponsored by Google, and also the same message in the footer. A few days ago I received a message that I should not display ads on this blog anymore or my account would be disabled, I asked for permission through the permissions form but that takes a while to be processed I'm desperate and very depressed about this situation, I wish I can find the support I'm looking for here, someone please help me, Matt please if you read this help me. I do not try to establish fake associations with Google or anything, Google has been paying me non stop for the last 8 months because of this site, all of the sudden I receive the news and I feel devastated.

Rick [PersonRank 0]

13 years ago #

when I bought the domain I didn't know this was possible and at the time I didn't know the blog would grow I was starting out as a blogger and I love Google and i thought it was a good idea, i had seen many other unofficial sites so I thought there was no problem.

Rick [PersonRank 0]

13 years ago #

Please Philipp Lenssen Get in touch with Matt I think you are the only one that can help me, contact me at rickjonesonline[put at-character here] this is not my primary email because you know I can't be posting my info, this is my old email I will be checking it constantly waiting for your reply, help me man I'm very depressed.

pokemo [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Your blog is not as well kown as IONUT ALEX CHITU so i dont think Matt is going to help. Sorry to say that....

kaka [PersonRank 1]

13 years ago #

I feel sorry for you.

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