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User Managed Storage for Google Apps

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
13 years ago5,852 views

Google Apps users can now purchase additional storage for Gmail, Docs, and Picasa Web... Pricing for this service is the same as for personal Google Accounts.

Why pay $50 per user per year for Google Apps Business and get:

   – 25 GB for Gmail
   – 1 GB for Docs
   – 1 GB for Picasa Web

When you can purchase an additional 20 GB for $5 per user per year and get:

   – 27 GB for Gmail
   – 21 GB for Docs
   – 21 GB for Picasa Web

(Yes, that extra 20 GB is actually shared across the three services, but that still seems like a better deal?)

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

when you buy storage in google apps, you don't get it for gmail

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