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G-mail Contacts :(

Anthony Pennington [PersonRank 3]

Sunday, September 12, 2004
20 years ago

Why does google not have a feature to add multiple recipients. Yahoo, Myway, and Hotmail all have it. With them all you need to do is check the box next to the name and hit "insert checked addresses."

It is really annoying to send mail via g-mail, and I think they should fix it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or the address to compalin to Google?

Anthony Pennington [PersonRank 3]

20 years ago #

Perhaps I should start an online petition and send it to them??

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

Anthony, actually you can make a group list, I know, is not want you want exactly, but can help you until Gmail final version.

Go to contacts, add a new contact with the name that you wish, and in the e-mail bar, write the contacts in this manner:

"username1[put at-character here]>,<username2[put at-character here]>,<username3[put at-character here]"

*without the quoutes
**no spaces between the ">" and "<" symbols
***without the "<" sign at the first element of the group and without the ">" at the last element of the group

Hope this works for you, for now.

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

krusty_ar [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

maybe you should read the FAQ about the issue before putting any effort to this,

Anthony Pennington [PersonRank 3]

20 years ago #

Thanks Yannick

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