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Google Changes

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, September 29, 2004
20 years ago

One thing strikes me as remarkable in the current Seraphim Proudleduck top ten in Google: my blog homepage, which received the majority of backlinks, is not to be seen any more. But one of my archived posts is on rank number 7. What did Google change in their ranking algorithm, and will it have a lasting impact? I also noticed Davezilla
[] is back on top (his site virtually disappeared from the results in May, 2004).

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

Philipp, a few minutes ago, I post a comment related to this issue. Please, let me know any steps that you will take concerning this issue.

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

The first step was bringing back "Seraphim Proudleduck" into the title of the blog homepage.
Second, I removed backlinks from – maybe there were too many too soon at a single place. Possibly I can't do too much right now, as the competing sites are heavily crosslinked to build a giant linkfarm. Still I'm curious why my blog homepage disappeared for this term.

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

It is time to send an e-mail to Google regarding this? And yes, the guys at top fo the contest have a great linkfarm. To many sites interrelated between them. This is stunning.

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

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