Dear Yahoo, Although the strikes are old now, three of them disqualifies you from my support (panamacitytom, tomas_lavin, thomas_lavin and hightechmixedmedia all accounts closed 19 Apr 2006, upon the latest revelation by Reporters Without Borders as heard on Fox News.) Strike 1: Providing electronic records to Chinese authorities that led to an eight-year prison term for Li Zhi for subversion in 2003. Strike 2: Helping to identify Shi Tao, who was accused of leaking state secrets abroad and jailed last year for 10 years. Strike 3: In the imprisonment of Jiang Lijun in 2003, confirming that the e-mail account ZYMZd2002 had been used jointly by Jiang and another pro-democracy activist Li Yibing. For Freedom and the Protection Thereof, Tom Lavin