Does it make sense?
If you analyze the "Top 3 Serp" Googling with the string/term "nigritude ultramarine" at pm 15.33 – 15/7 you get this result -
1. Backlink count 0 and PR 0/10
2. Backlink count 11 PR 6/10
3. Backlink count 663 PR 6/10
I believe Philipp can gain no.1 spot if he use "nigritude ultramarine in the "title" (not nessesary but the different between rank 5 or 1)
Otherwise why should a site with no backlink, no pagerank gain that no.1 rank ?
Is it the content that matter or a hidden factor?
Since I startet examine the scenario a was able to puss from rank 4 – 2 and thats indicate click-popularity Proberly the same (algo) happens within yahoo because I made the same test here and the seems to rank well here to with no backlink and no webrank.
The title could play a roll here to!
Conclusion: Should one forget about optimize and force everyone you know to click like h...
From my point of View: Its hard to gain Toprank in Google & Yahoo with the same site unless you click, click, click
Regard's KAH |
Did you ment that you clicked on your site in google result your self?
[signature removed. -Ed.] |