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Nuclear Disasters Map  (View post)

Jim Thompson [PersonRank 1]

Friday, April 28, 2006
18 years ago4,607 views

Nice map. Would be nice if it also showed near disasters like the fire at Browns Ferry in the seventies. The fire took out nearly all the reactor's safety systems because it occured in a wiring room that contain conduits with all the reactors' control wiring. I remember Browns Ferry well, because my family lived in area. I tried to leave a comment, but the comments at the site are closed.

Travis Harris [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I am right now sitting just a handful of miles from TMI (Three Mile Island) that explains the glow in the dark nose hairs!

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Nuclear disasters are just like airplane crashes: there is nothing saver or better but people are very of them afraid anyway. With nuclear power it is even worse because people do not experience the advantages first hand and the nuclear threath is invisible and therefore even more frightening.

This map clearly shows how save nuclear energy is because you won't even be able to visualize other types of disasters, at least not with a map that small and markers that big.

DanceMania [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

A leak of Cesium 137 happened in Goiânia/Brasil in September, 13 in 1987 killing 07 people and leaving another 16 persons sick. That was the world's bigest acident due to wrong using of nuclear waste.

Roberto dos Santos and Wagner Mota discovered a radiotherapy device inside an abandoned hospital in Goiânia. After deploy that device to sell its metalic pieces to owner of a junkyard [Devair Alves Ferreira], so they opened a cilinder wich had within some cesium powder. As Cesium shines in darkness, Devair invited his friends and parents to see that object.

The accident was onlu discovered in Septermber, 29, after Ferreira's wife went some pieces of the radiotherapy device to local Heath Department.

If possible, add this info to that map, ok? Thanks.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

> Nuclear disasters are just like airplane
> crashes: there is nothing saver or
> better but people are very of them
> afraid anyway.

> This map clearly shows how save
> nuclear energy is because you
> won't even be able to visualize
> other types of disasters

I'm not sure how to measure safety here. A single air plane crash kills several hundred people. With Chernobyl, the danger of radiotion even spread to Germany. Most accidents, like a car crash, are more numerous but also restricted to a smaller area per crash. But if they'd put markers for all places where there was increased and possibly dangerous radiation after Chernobyl, the map would also have been filled...

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Philipp's right – there are farms even in Wales, Scotland and England where Chernobyl radiation fell and sheep still can't be raised for food or moved out of the areas without special precautions.

And, unlike an airplane crash, the Chernobyl accident has made thousands of square kilometres of land uninhabitable. The earth isn't big enough to afford too many similar events.

Here's a story by a biker who got a permit to ride through the contaminated area:

It's a fascinating though rather spooky story.

Ruben [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

that website is incorrect because different points have the same descriptions.

MJ Rich [PersonRank 6]

18 years ago #

For some reason, this map is labelling every point as the same attack (Malak?) that happened in the USSR in 57. Which is saddening because I wanted to see the details on those leaks in America.

cotiniere [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

It is a browser problem. Try to see the map with firefox or IE 6

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