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Google Comic Book Search Would Be Nice  (View post)

Artem [PersonRank 4]

Thursday, May 4, 2006
19 years ago4,646 views

I'd love to search for the old Dilberts. For viewing the ads :)

Elias KAI [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

well , let`s begin a Google comic Book.

Chad Edge [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

One thing I'd like to see:

I use Delicious Monster's Delicious Library (link: It allows me to catalog my books and do simple searches/sorting.

A valuable extension for me would be the ability to catalog the trade journals and magazines for which I subscribe (Print, How, Windows IT Pro, Macworld, Communication Arts, etc.). Since I'm a subscriber, I'd like to see a library with covers as thumbnails with article searching (e.g.: "Where was that article reviewing the new Creative Suite 2?" which could return a list of article titles, dates, volumes, and of course magazine title).

Delicious Library has no such extension, but I'm sure using a system via Google could do just that. I envision a system that has a login (google login, of course), allows me to setup which magazines I subscribe to (which would automatically add them to my 'library') as well as allowing me to add individual magazines by title, volume, or barcode. Once that list is generated, thumbnails of covers would be shown (most recent issue, perhaps; followed by a "X issues on file"). Next, I could be presented with a simple search (using all the Google tricks) to search for article title, author, content within articles, synopsis, etc.

I'm drooling over the idea, I just wonder if that's in the power of Google – hell, I'm sure it's in their power. Google makes julianne fries!

T Campbell [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

I'd love to see this if it was done well... I know everyone has a religious faith in Google to do these things right, but it seems to me like they're a bit rushed in some of their efforts these days.

You might be interested in, a community-level comics search engine.

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