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Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later.

Brian [PersonRank 0]

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
20 years ago

I can see an e-mail through my feedreader and it's IMPORTANT and Gmail won't let me in to read it!!!!!!!!


Brian [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

Server Error

Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

I understand the service is in beta but COME ON!!!!!! You can't "kinda" use e-mail.

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

By now, I never experience a problem with Gmail. Calm down and be a little more patient =)

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

celestial [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

I can not open my Gmail account. It says "Loading" on page an never open account. what can I do or how can I connect my account. Last 10 days i could read anything from my emails.

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

celestial, try to clean up your cache. Then try again.

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

bal [PersonRank 1]

20 years ago #

I can not open my Gmail account. It says "Loading" on page an never open account. what can I do or how can I connect my account. Last 10 days i could read anything from my emails.

Joe [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

This is what I get when I try to log in to gmail: Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later.

Mitul [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

I've got my important mails in my gmail account!!! can they stop the service this way without any notice??

Hussain [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

Much as we all may hate it, we don't pay for the service, so if GMail doesn't start, there ain't much that we can do about it. Except to switch back to Hotmail / Yahoo

Cookie [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

i get the "Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later.:
as well, my friend logs on with no problem.

ashish [PersonRank 1]

20 years ago #

Have u guys tried orkut. I think its too not working.

ashish [PersonRank 1]

20 years ago #

Cookie..does ur friend uses netscape to log on??

ImpieD [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

I'm getting the exact same message: Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later
I guess their server is temporarily down. Annoying.
At least they could warn us... alas.

helloxina [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

i can't loggin too.... check w/ other friends who got gmail, same problem...

uptiom [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

whew...can't get in either...
dumb thing though, i can't get in with my account, but my sister can get in with hers...on the same computer!! maybe there's a conspiracy going on

thinking hard...need reasonable conspiracy theory – make money selling story to movie business........................

pandian [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

I couldnt login to my gmail inbox too. says service not available :(

Andy [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

gmail's service is "not available" again?

Chris [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

What the heck!? Come on G-Mail, please work sooooon, I've got tons of important e-mail and your withholding thousands of users from checking theirs as well.

Justin Pfister [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Google can't be letting us down.. Ever think of the freak possibility that google could go down .. and just never go back up.. They'd have enough data to study for years. It's be equivalent to a mental atomic bomb going off in society.

They are in Beta.. So I do tend to cut them some slack when they have down time.

john carsley [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

I have a page cannot be diplayed error as well as a security certificate denying me access, what can be done with the security certificate issue?

Sri [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Had the same problem when logging thru Mozilla
"Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later"

but can login thru IE
so it has to be som prob with Cache/Cookie

Raj Kumar Pun [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I can not open my Gmail account in my own computer. It says "Loading" on page an never open account. what can I do or how can I connect my account. But when i logg in through another computer it is ok what it is. I have already format my computer though it is not working. plz solve me rajkumarpun[put at-character here]gmail. rajkumarpun[put at-character here]

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