I love irony. ...
Fake it' to you make it' :O) |
Have you any idea when bigG updates it's images database.
We know its not on regular schedule, but "suppose if" we see no update before after 1.jan – 2005 what then?
Have Solmon a plan B. ......
We can't fake it :O)
I find Google Images to be really slow when it comes to picking up keywords for Google Images. I still see not a single result for Seraphim Proudleduck even though I linked to the image twice using the phrase. I even converted a GIF to JPG because I was suspecting Google to prever JPGs. http://blogoscoped.com/files/seraphim-proudleduck.jpg |
Phillip, I notice that Kimspitstop.dk have a "K" logo besides his name. That occur when someone hits the max level of post? If that is true, how many post you need? Anyway, congrats Kimspitstop.dk!!
Yannick Mückenhirn ® http://noticiasinteresantes.blogspot.com |
Yannick, I gave you an icon too. I realized Kimpitstop.dk hit the "PR10" in this forum, so I decided to make the regulars stand out more and be easily recognizable when reading the forum. There's no forever-fixed number of posts to reach PR10 and I may adjust the algorithm, but naturally the more you post the higher the PR gets :) |
Thank you so much Philipp! Very nice! For me its an honor to post in this forum. I will keep helping others and sharing cool & interesting links. =D
Yannick Mückenhirn ® http://noticiasinteresantes.blogspot.com |
Thank's to Yannick (Y)
& Philipp to – Nice K
Did you know that Skype will be intergrated into the mobilphone? (partner with Siemens) You allready have it within Ipod.
Tip's: Topevent at 12.-13. April 2005 in München. ...
What are friend's for :O)