Make your own "bullet proff" @image
He, the little nitty gretty thing's you know
Have fun. ...
Kimspitstop, http://blogoscoped.com/forum/2854.html
Have a nice day ^_^
Yannick Mückenhirn ® http://noticiasinteresantes.blogspot.com |
that's seriously cool! wow!
yes but how can i add it to my Gmail signature?
Yaacov, actually you cannot add an HTML signature to your Gmail account. For now you can add only a text based one. You use the signatures provided in the link above in a forum, etc.
Yannick Mückenhirn ® http://noticiasinteresantes.blogspot.com |
coooool tool especially after yule |
Isn't this just a "clever" way of collecting people's email addresses to send spam to?
Maybe I shouldn't be so cynical... ;-)