How come , nobody has commented this news. I think Google TV when it become reality can hit a lot of other newsbroadcaster or can get them a new BIG BUYER. |
Your scenario could even be even expanded to the following:
- full intergration with Google Drive, which I predict will be a compound of all the projects google currently has (which, let's admit, haven't all been a worldwide phoenonmenon), including tv guide, intergrated into Calendar.... any other ideas?
- also, more importantly to Google et all, each tv advert (they're here to stay, even in the days of internet tv) can be tailored to the user, from previous searches and viewings, all stored in the Google Account.
As it stands, Google is throwing out services and tools left-right-and-centre; that's because, in my theory, they're evolving into one globally hyped service, which I suppose could be branded as the online pc... GDrive etc. etc. But with TV Search, things for Google could be big straight away. It's the next obvious step.
This is very similar to a post I made over at the google community forums:
Joe C,
>> As it stands, Google is throwing out services and tools left-right-and-centre; that's because, in my theory, they're evolving into one globally hyped service, which I suppose could be branded as the online pc. >>
You nailed it right there, it is definatly the next leap of personal/distributed computing. The question is: "when is it gonna happen ?" |